
Courses I’d Like to TeachPermalink

  • Illicit Economies [sample syllabus]
  • Political Violence and State-Building [sample syllabus]
  • Electoral Politics
  • Politics in the Global South
  • Colonialism and its Consequences
  • Empirical Methods (graduate and undergraduate)
  • Text-as-Data in Political Science

Teaching ExperiencePermalink

  • Instructor of Record for POLS 111: Principles of Political Science with Dr. Danielle Jung (Co-Instructor, Fall 2023) [syllabus]
    • Interdisciplinary course that explores broad questions about what politics is, why political groups form and break apart, and how group-level decisions are made. Brings abstract questions into grounded reality.
  • Instructor for R Workshop (Graduate level, with Eddy Yeung, Fall 2023-Spring 2024)
    • Hands-on R workshop for graduate students to learn best coding practices, how to clean and manage complex databases, and advanced R techniques.
  • Instructor for Technology Bootcamp (Graduate level, with Eddy Yeung, Fall 2023-Spring 2024)
    • Crash course on the best practices for software such as R, LaTeX, python, and text editors, as well as citation managers and other organizational software. See below for code.
  • Instructor for Emerging Security Studies Fellow Program (Carnegie Institute of New York, Fall 2023)
    • Led lecture and discussion on what security studies are, how history has shaped them, and their implications for public policy.
  • TA for POLS 208: Research Design and Methods with Dr. Carly Potz-Nielsen (Spring 2023)
    • Fundamental concepts and quantitative techniques of empirical political inquiry. Introduction to concepts of measurement, parametric, and non-parametric statistics.
  • Grader for POLS 110: Introduction to International Politics with Dr. David Davis III (Spring 2022)
    • Introduction to analytical concepts, the nature of the interstate system, the assumptions and ideas of diplomacy, the determinants of foreign policy.
  • Organized and led a small team of undergraduates (from sophomores to seniors) from Fall 2021 to present. We have worked on the following projects:
    • Criminal Governance in the News
    • Understanding Criminal Enforcement Wings
    • Digitizing Private Correspondence from the East India Company (1769-1773)

Teaching EvaluationsPermalink

On average, my classes receive higher student evaluation scores than other Political Science classes, as well as Emory University courses at large. Below are a few anonymous reviews on my teaching: ​

  • “Adee was absolutely amazing. Could not sing her praises enough!!! She was always willing to help, super responsive via email + during class, and she made it clear that she really wanted us to learn/enjoy section.”

  • “Adee, you are an incredible lecturer. Was a joy hearing you speak and you provided me so much information.”

  • “I love the way the lessons were explained and your incorportation of games made it really enjoyable. And it left me wanting to learn more about Political Science.”

Tech BootcampPermalink

  • Tech Bootcamp GitHub page

    • Tech Workshop (sample data, code for replication, and example documents)

    • Fall Sessions (Practice code exercises, problem sets, and answer keys for important skills in R, Mathematica, and python)

    • January Refresher (Refresher course on key coding skills and best practices)

    • Spring Sessions (Data, R code, exercises, problem sets, and answer keys, paced with POLS 509 (Linear Models) at Emory University)